Chicken fillet with
eringi mushrooms


- Chicken fillet
- Eringi mushrooms
- Cheese sauce
- Heavy cream - 50 ml
- Paprika
- Parmesan cheese
- Olive oil
- Sunflower oil
- Unsalted butter

Method of cooking

Text recipe

1. Coat the chicken breast with olive oil, add salt, pepper, and paprika.

2. Slice the eringi into rounds.

3. Season with salt and add olive oil.

4. Heat a pan and sauté the eringi until cooked.

5. Place the sautéed eringi on a napkin.

6. Heat the pan and sauté the chicken breast, adding a tablespoon of heavy cream, until cooked.

7. Place the fillet and eringi on a plate.

8. Add cheese sauce.

9. Grate Parmesan cheese.

10. Enjoy!





10-z Zavodska st.
Chuhuiv raion, Kharkiv oblast,
63523, Ukraine